Professional Organization for Managed IT Service Providers (MSP)
The ASCII Group realizes that many MSPs struggle from time to time getting their questions and concerns addressed by either specific vendors or the IT industry at large. We help bridge this divide by giving our members a pathway to be heard. By listening closely and responding to incoming feedback in a timely manner, we help dozens of members each year connect and improve relationships with technology vendors and other IT service providers.

Issue Resolution
With over 70 benefit programs in place, ASCII has cultivated meaningful relationships with many different business and technology partners. Occasionally, a member will need assistance connecting with the right person to discuss an issue at a partner organization. ASCII can help cut through the red tape by working closely with members to ensure swift resolution of ongoing issues.

Peer Advisory Boards
There is a famous saying that two heads are better than one. As a means to better understand the challenges and issues that our members are facing, we leverage a variety of peer driven groups. Each group acts as a sounding board to not only create new programs and services, but brainstorm to solve larger issues that our industry faces. Each board serves a specific purpose as a means to help our members stay ahead.

Independent Industry Proponent
One of ASCII’s goals is to help identify and partner with the industry’s best vendors. Researching and interviewing new potential vendors is laborious and most MSPs don’t have time to do it, sometimes passing up revenue generating opportunities. Our Vendor Advisory Committee, made up of about 20 ASCII members, helps with this by “vetting” new vendors interested in working with the community. The group provides vendors with specific feedback on the best ways to work with MSPs and the membership. ASCII also works with other major industry groups to make sure our members’ voices are heard across the globe.

“ASCII truly cares about each and every member, regularly going above the call of duty to help us succeed. They have fostered an innate trust between all of us that I don’t see anyone else being able to replicate or replace.”
Judi Dipple, Business Manager
Custom Computing Services, ASCII Group Member